My Personal Journey with Cutaneous Lymphoma: Jan Paro
Janet "Jan" Paro shares her experience living with cutaneous lymphoma and finding hope and empowerment through attending a Cutaneous Lymphoma Foundation 2-Day Patient Conference.
JC Ephraim shares his experience being diagnosed with cutaneous lymphoma and treatment journey. JC also shares the positive impact the Cutaneous Lymphoma Foundation has made in his life.
A Care Partner's Journey with Cutaneous Lymphoma: Emily Paikin
In March, 2014, Emily Pakin received a phone call that no one ever wants to get. She didn’t know what kind of cancer mycosis fungoides was, how serious it was, or what was in store for her and her fiance's future.
A Caregiver's Journey with Cutaneous Lymphoma: Meredith Haab
Meredith Haab shares her story as her mother's caregiver; and, how the process of caring for her mother's lesions, challenged her notions of caregiving.
Nikki Thomason shares how her life changed after being diagnosed with lymphomatoid papulosis and how she created an online community for others diagnosed with the disease.