Get Involved...Raise Awareness

There are many ways to get involved and help raise awareness of cutaneous lymphoma and the Cutaneous Lymphoma Foundation.

 We are always seeking involvement from passionate individuals, corporate partners and community organizations and have provided some ideas on how you can help raise awareness.

We encourage you to continue to take steps, however large or small, to make others aware of this disease - and let us know so we can share how you are spreading the word!

How To Get Involved
Promote Cutaneous Lymphoma Awareness in Your Workplace

Find out what your company’s charitable programs and interests are. Find out how your employer supports non-profit organizations.

  • Does it support volunteerism and provide ways for employees to get involved?
  • Ask if you can set up a table display to education about cutaneous lymphoma. It could be in conjunction with one of the international awareness days or part of a health fare your company hosts.
  • Some companies also have a program called Dollars for Doers that match volunteer hours with a cash grant to an organization, i.e. Fannie Mae, Kodak, Verizon, Whirlpool.  check to see if your company has this kind of program and learn more about how the Cutaneous Lymphoma Foundation can become a part of it.
Promote Awareness in your Community Service Organizations, Social Clubs and Small Businesses

Ask friends who belong to local business associations, service clubs, sororities, antique collecting groups, support groups, bridge clubs, etc. if they would be interested in learning about cutaneous lymphoma and in your personal story. This is a great opportunity to spread awareness, and often results in additional donations to the Cutaneous Lymphoma Foundation.

Generate Local Media Coverage

The more media attention given to cutaneous lymphoma, the better. 

Tips on How to Generate Local Media Coverage

  • Develop a list of local media including health/medical reporters at newspapers, television news programs, and radio shows in your community.
  • Write a brief letter stating why it is important for them to feature cutaneous lymphoma. Be sure to include your contact information as well as for any other local families who are affected and willing to be interviewed. Include a photo but be aware that they will not return the photo.
  • Contact the Cutaneous Lymphoma Foundation for fact sheets and other press materials to include with your letters.
  • Follow up your letters with a phone call. Inform the media that the Cutaneous Lymphoma Foundation can also arrange for them to speak with physicians who are experts on the disease.
  • Additionally many newspapers, cable outlets, local TV stations, bulletin boards at community centers, etc., can be used to advertise an awareness or fundraising event at no cost.

Another successful way to communicate with the media is through a news release.

 A news release is a free way to communicate and get noticed by the media outlets; newspapers, radio and television stations. Having a news release used by a media outlet is better than an advertisement. A news release is a “news item.” It is used to inform, not sell. You use a news release to inform the public about you, your event or the Foundation and why it is important for the public to know about cutaneous lymphoma, your event or the Cutaneous Lymphoma Foundation.

A news release identifies the problem and offers a motivating solution, i.e., you need to raise funds for cutaneous lymphoma programs and services. The public can help by attending your event or supporting your cause.

Additional Ways to Raise Awareness


  • Write letters to the editorial section of your local newspaper about your experience living with cutaneous lymphoma. Contact the Cutaneous Lymphoma Foundation staff for help.
  • Take cutaneous lymphoma information packets to dermatologists in your community.  Contact the Cutaneous Lymphoma Foundation to request your packets.
  • If your company has a newsletter, ask them to write a feature on you and your experience with cutaneous lymphoma.
  • Send an email message to all of your friends and loved ones sharing your story.
  • Leave the Cutaneous Lymphoma Foundation brochures at businesses that you patronize, with their permission, especially around specialty awareness days or Blood Cancer Awareness Month.
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We thank each person who helps us make sure each person with cutaneous lymphoma gets the best care possible.
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