Skin Care / Itch

Cutaneous lymphoma-related itching is particularly vexing since it can start as a small fire and progress into a firestorm. Understanding itch, as well as good practices in regular skin care maintenance, and other types of treatment alternatives - such as soaking, wet wraps, and lesion care - can be found within this section.

Webinar: Skincare

February 2021: Nurse Practitioner Caitlin Chiado discusses how to care for your skin when living with cutaneous lymphoma. Ms. Chiado also responds to questions regarding attendees' questions regarding caring for their skin.

Caitlin Chiado, CRNP, University of Pittsburgh Physicians, Department of Dermatology

Facebook Live: John Zic, MD

April 2019: Dr. John Zic shares valuable information and insights on managing itch related to cutaneous lymphoma. Dr. Zic is the Director of the Vanderbilt Cutaneous Lymphoma Clinic at Vanderbilt University Medical Center.

Facebook Live: Oleg Akilov, MD, PhD

June 2018 - Oleg Akilov, MD, PhD shares recommendations for how to care for your skin when you have cutaneous lymphoma. Dr. Akilov provides practical information related to soaps, shampoos and moisturizers, lotions and ointments. Dr. Akilov is the Director of the Cutaneous Lymphoma Program and Extracorporeal Photopheresis Unit at the University of Pittsburgh.


Skincare Corner Q&A is a regular feature in our Forum newsletter and the questions and answers are reproduced here after publication. Learn more about how to care for your skin.


A question and answer session related to early stage cutaneous lymphoma. Question topics include:
-How do I know my stage? Will my stage change?
-What prompts a skin biopsy?
-Why does it take so long to diagnose?
-What is proper skin care?
-Do patches and plaques present themselves differently?
-Does the disease always need to be treated with early-stage?
-Is it common to feel "uncomfortable" and "lethargic"?
-How does the relationship between the clinical and pathology effect diagnosis?

Recorded at the 2017 2-Day Patient Conference in New York, NY.

Managing Itch

For most patients with cutaneous T-cell lymphoma or CTCL, itchiness, also known as pruritus, can range in degree from a minor irritation to a tormenting sensation that can significantly decrease an individual’s quality of life. Although a definitive cause for itch has yet to be determined, there are various treatments that may help relieve it.

Skin Care Solutions

With the proper care, skin can often be improved in many cutaneous lymphoma patients. It is important to note that products do not always have to be the most expensive. Quality ingredients are much more important than cost. By knowing the basics about skin care products, you will hopefully be able to improve your quality of life and live your best life possible.

Skin Care: Wet Wraps and Thick Skin Remedies

Dryness of the skin, irritation, and itchiness are very unpleasant manifestations of cutaneous lymphoma. Fortunately, a lot can be done to improve the condition of the skin with over-the-counter creams or ointments.

Should I be exposing myself to the sun?

Is it okay to spend time in the sun if you have cutaneous lymphoma? Our clinical experts explore when sun exposure is beneficial and when it should be avoided.

Lesion Care

For many individuals with cutaneous lymphoma, quality of life is directly related to the current condition of their skin. Recommendations for cleaning, dressing and caring for lesions are provided by Dr. Bizhan Micaily.

Answers from the Experts: Itch

Cutaneous lymphoma experts provide answers to the question: "What recommendations do you have for managing itch?"


Clinical Research Fellow Tara Jennings from the Thomas Jefferson University provides guidelines for skin maintenance as it relates to cutaneous lymphoma.


2017 2-day Patient Conference in Manhattan Beach, CA
Expert Presenter: Allister Benjamin Chase, MSN, FNP-BC, AOCNP, Genentech, Public Affairs & Advocacy

Nurse Practitioner Allister Benjamin Chase provides an overview of how to care for skin affected by cutaneous lymphoma and methods for managing itch (pruritus).
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