Live Event Videos

The Cutaneous Lymphoma Foundation records many of the 2-Day Patient Conferences and Patient Educational Forums presentations and makes them available through our YouTube channel. We are pleased to provide links to a selection of these events below. To view all of the Foundation's available videos, visit our YouTube channel: CutaneousLymphomaFnd. Be sure to subscribe to our channel to receive notice of new video postings automatically!

Webinar: Radiation Therapies

December 2020: Radiation oncologist, Dr. Christopher Kelsey discusses the different types of radiation therapy and when they may be appropriate for treating different stages of cutaneous lymphoma. Dr. Kelsey also responds to attendees' questions.

Christopher Kelsey, MD, Duke University Medical Center

Webinar: Early Stage Treatment Options

November 2020 - Living with cutaneous lymphoma and understanding the treatment options available can be overwhelming. The good news is that there are many treatments available today. Drs. Steven Horwitz and Sarah Noor share an overview of current treatment options for early stage cutaneous lymphoma and new treatments in the pipeline.

Steven Horwitz, MD, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Sarah Noor, MD, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

Answers from Experts: Quarterly Q&A - October 2020

October 2020 - Finding answers to your questions about cutaneous lymphoma and its treatment can be challenging. These open question and answer events provide access to expert clinicians to respond to your questions about cutaneous lymphoma in a friendly, relaxed environment.

Frank Glass, MD, George Washington University School of Medicine & Health Sciences
Craig Okada, MD, Oregon Health & Science University

Panel Discussion: Lymphoma Coalition Global Patient Survey Update

October 2020 - The Lymphoma Coalition is one of the Foundation's collaborative partners helping to extend our reach to patients outside of the United States. Coalition leaders Lorna Warwick (CEO) and Natalie Dren (Research Coordinator) joined Susan Thornton for this panel discussion highlighting outcomes from the recent global patient survey. The Lymphoma Coalition launches its Global Patient Survey every two years with the goal of bringing up-to-date patients' life experiences to the medical, research and policy tables.

Virtual 2-Day Patient Conference

Recordings from the 2020 Virtual 2-Day Patient Conference

Webinar: Cutaneous B-cell Lymphomas

August 2020 - Primary cutaneous B-cell lymphomas (CBCL) comprise only 20 - 25 % of all primary cutaneous lymphomas, making it a rarer form of cutaneous lymphoma. Dr. Christiane Querfeld presented an overview of the different types of CBCL, its treatment and responded to pre-submitted questions.

Christiane Querfeld, MD, PhD, Beckman Research Institute, City of Hope National Medical Center

Webinar: Integrative Medicine

July 2020 -This informative webinar focused on two areas of integrative medicine: cannabis use and mindfulness. Dr. Michi Shinohara presented her findings from a recent survey of cutaneous lymphoma patients use of integrative medicine including cannibis. In addition, Nurse Practitioner Erin Kopp presented on the practice of mindfulness including some easy techniques to try at home to help center you and bring some moments of peace to your day.

Erin Kopp, DNP, ACNP-BC, City of Hope National Medical Center
Michi Shinohara, MD, University of Washington - Division of Dermatology

Answers from Experts: Quarterly Q&A - June 2020

July 2020 - Finding answers to your questions about cutaneous lymphoma and its treatment can be challenging. These open question and answer events provide access to expert clinicians to respond to your questions about cutaneous lymphoma in a friendly, relaxed environment.

Brad Haverkos, MD, MPH, MS, University of Colorado, Anschutz Cancer Pavilion
Elizabeth McBurney, MD, Tulane School of Medicine, Sanova Dermatology

Webinar: Quality of Life

May 2020: Cutaneous Lymphoma Foundation’s Susan Thornton, CEO, alongside nurse practitioner, Marianne Tawa, of Dana Farber Cancer Institute, and nurse, Sue McCann, of Pittsburgh Medical Center discuss recent data from quality of life (QOL) studies and offer perspectives from a nurse’s point of view.

Facebook Live: Jenni Burrows, Patient & Artist

April 2020: Jenni Burrows shares how she explores healing through art. You may recognize Jenni from our 2018 2-Day Patient Educational Conference in DC as she guided attendees through a hands-on workshop. Jenni has been busy creating a “wearable lymphoma” that she uses to allow her audiences to experience what it’s like living with lymphoma.

Answers from Experts...Live - Glendale

April 2020 - Drs. Lauren Pinter-Brown (Chao Family Comprehensive Cancer Center) and Jasmine Zain (City of Hope National Medical Center) were our guest clinicians for this Q&A program and responded to a variety of viewer questions related to the disease, treatments, blood tests and early COVID-19 information related to cutaneous lymphoma (for more recent COVID-19 information, visit our Coronavirus page under Patient Resources).

[Please note: due to poor audio, a transcript of this event is available for download on YouTube]

Facebook Live: Open Q&A

February 2020: Facebook Live event was an open Q&A with Dr. Farah Abdulla. In addition to responding to viewers' questions, Dr. Abdulla also shared highlights from the World Congress of Cutaneous Lymphoma medical meeting held in Barcelona, Spain.

Dr. Abdulla is a dermatopathologist/dermatologist specializing in research and treatment of cutaneous lymphoma at the City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer Center.

Facebook Live: Fertility and Younger Patients

January 2020: Facebook Live event focused on how cutaneous lymphoma and its treatment may impact those contemplating having children and/or younger patients. Dr. Neha Mehta joined Susan Thornton, CEO, to share insights regarding fertility, young patients and cutaneous lymphoma.

Dr. Mehta is assistant professor and researcher with a special interest in cutaneous T-cell lymphomas at the Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri.

Facebook Live: Healthy Eating With Shelia Johnson

December 2019: Shelia Johnson joined Susan Thornton, CEO, to share her personal story of living with cutaneous lymphoma and her approach to healthy eating. Shelia also demonstrated tips for cooking and eating healthy. A link to Shelia's recipes is also available.