
Board member since 2011

“I am very proud and honored to be part of an organization that helps so many people in so many ways. The disease is rare, but the Foundation is thorough and reliable with its dissemination of information.”

Laurel is a public school educator with approximately 40 years of experience instructing students in elementary, high school, and adult education programs. She holds degrees in Speech Pathology and Audiology, Special Education, and English for Speakers of Other Languages. 

When Laurel was diagnosed with Stage 1A cutaneous T-cell lymphoma in 1983, she sought personal interactions, along with reliable and understandable information about the disease. Finding all of these things within the Cutaneous Lymphoma Foundation, she was inspired to volunteer. Her regular participation in the Foundation included event attendance, meeting other patients and sharing information about cutaneous lymphoma with others.

Her natural ability to help others connect and learn resulted in the first Cutaneous Lymphoma Foundation patient networking group meeting in April 2013. The group continues to meet monthly in the Washington, DC area, and has inspired the formation of several other groups across the United States.