Clinical Trials
Treatment Centers and Clinical Trials
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Clinical Trials
Dose-Escalation Trial Evaluating CPI-818
Clinical Trials
A Study of Ruxolitinib and Duvelisib in People With Lymphoma
Clinical Trials
Study of Pembrolizumab Combined With Decitabine and Pralatrexate in PTCL and CTC
Confirmatory Study of Topical HyBryte™
Clinical Trials
Pembrolizumab - Stage IB-IV Mycosis Fungoides
Clinical Trials
Dosing of Brentuximab Vedotin for Mycosis Fungoides, Sezary Syndrome Patients
Clinical Trials
Oral Azacytidine Plus Romidepsin Versus Investigator's Choice in PTCL
Clinical Trials
Ritlecitinib in CTCL
Clinical Trials
Phase 1 Trial of ST-001 nanoFenretinide
Clinical Trials
Pembrolizumab in Combination With Gemcitabine in People With Advanced MF or SS
Clinical Trials
Extracorporeal Photopheresis in Sezary Syndrome (ECP)
Clinical Trials
Treatment of Mycosis Fungoides With Hypericin Ointment and Visible Light (RW-HPN
Clinical Trials
Safety, PK, PD, Clinical Activity of KT-333 in Adult Patients With Refractory Ly
Clinical Trials
Duvelisib + Nivolumab for the Treatment of MF and SS
Clinical Trials